Recorded by a single seismograph or by some seismographs of the same pattern, but not by several seismographs of different kinds; the shock felt by an experienced observer.
Recorded by seismographs of different kinds; felt by a small number of persons at rest.
Felt by several persons at rest; strong enough for the duration or direction to be appreciable.
Felt by several persons in motion; disturbance of moveable objects, doors, windows, creaking of floors.
Felt generally by everyone; disturbance of furniture and beds; ringing of some bells.
General awakening of those asleep; general ringing of bells; oscillation of chandeliers, stopping of clocks; visible disturbance of trees and shrubs; some startled persons leave their dwellings.
Overthrow of moveable objects, fall of plaster, ringing of churchbells, general panic, without damage to buildings
Fall of chimneys, cracks in the walls of buildings.
Partial or total destruction of some buildings.
Great disasters, ruins, disturbance of strata, fissures in the earth's crust, rockfalls from mountains.