References for the 1925 Charlevoix-Kamouraska earthquake

  • ABBOTT, C. D., 1926. The St. Lawrence earthquake of February 28, 1925: Seimol. Soc. Am. Bull., v. 16, No. 2, 133-145.
  • BENT, A. L. (1992). A re-examination of the 1925 Charlevoix, Quebec earthquake, Bull. Seism. Soc. Am., 82, 2097-2113.
  • BENT, A. L. (1993). Seismograms for historic Canadian earthquakes: The 1 March 1925 Charlevoix-Kamouraska earthquake, Geol. Surv. Canada Open File 2701, 24 pp.
  • BELLAMY, Ethel F., 1936. Index catalogue of epicentres 1913-1930-also a geographical index to the Seismological Summary, 1918-1930 inclusive. The County Press, Newport, Isle of Wight.
  • BROOKS, J. E., S.J., 1960. A study in seismicity and structural geology. Part II-Earthquakes of northeastern United States and eastern Canada: Obs. Geophys. College Jean-de-Brebeuf, Bull.Geophys., No. 7, 12-40.
  • BRUNEAU, M. AND LAMONTAGNE, M. "Damage from 20th century earthquakes in eastern Canada and seismic vulnerability of unreinforced masonry buildings". Can. J. of Civil Engineering, 21, no. 4, p. 643-662.
  • CAJKA, M. G., 1999. The 1925 Charlevoix, Québec earthquake: re-evaluation of the Canadian intensity data using the Modified Mercalli Scale; GSC Open File 3786 / Dossier Public de la CGC 3786. 70p.
  • DAWSON, Sir J. W., 1870. The earthquake of October 20th 1870: Can. Natural Geol., new ser., v. 5, 282-289.
  • EBEL, J. E., P. G. SOMERVILLE and J. D. MCIVER (1986). A study of the source parameters of some large earthquakes of northeastern North America, J. Geophys. Res., 91, 8231-8247.
  • GUTENBERG, B., and RICHTER, C. F., 1954. Seismicity of the earth and associated phenomena. 1st and second edition. Princeton University Press, New Jersey.
  • HECK, N. H., and EPPLEY, R. A., 1958. Earthquake history of the United States. Part I-Continental United States and Alaska (exclusive of California and Western Nevada): U.S. Coast Geod. Surv. Pub., No. 41-1, rev. (1956) ed.
  • HODGSON, E. A., 1925. The St. Lawrence earthquake February 28, 1925: Seimol. Soc. Am. Bull., v. 15, No. 2, 84-103.
  • HODGSON, E. A., 1925. The rotation effects of the St. Lawrence earthquake of February 28, 1925: Roy. Astron. Soc. Can. J., v. 19, No.6, 169-178.
  • HODGSON, E. A., 1927. The St. Lawrence earthquake, February 28, 1925: Roy. Soc. Can. Trans., see. 4, v. 21, 145-152. For a French version of this paper see H7 below.
  • HODGSON, E. A., 1927. The marine clays of eastern Canada and their relation to earthquake hazards.- Roy. Astron. Soc. Can. J.,v. 21, No.7, 257-264.
  • HODGSON, E. A., 1928. Le tremblement de terre sur les rives du Saint-Laurent le 28 fevrier 1925: Soc. Geog. Que. Bull., v. 22, Nos. 1-2, 56-64. For an English version of this paper, see H5 above.
  • HODGSON, E. A., 1937. Earthquakes in eastern Canada and adjacent areas: Roy. Can. Inst. Proc., ser. 3A, v. 2, 30-35.
  • HODGSON, E. A.,, 1945. Industrial earthquake hazards in eastern Canada: Seismol. Soc. Am. Bull., v. 35, No. 4, 151-174. This paper contains a brief account of a number of the larger shocks in eastern Canada.
  • HODGSON, E. A., 1950. The Saint Lawrence earthquake, March 1,1925: Dom. Obs. Pub., Ottawa, v. 7, No. 10, 361-436. This is the final account of the earthquake of February 28, 1925, dealt within H2, H3, H5, and H7 above. It occurred on March 1 by Universal time and February 28 by Eastern Standard time. An appendix discusses the previous seismic record of the St.Lawrence Valley.
  • HODGSON, J. H., 1953. A seismic survey in the Canadian Shield. I-Refraction studies based on rockbursts at Kirkland Lake,Ont: Dom. Obs. Pub., Ottawa, v. 16, No. 5, 109-163.
  • HODGSON, J. H., 1953. A seismic survey in the Canadian Shield. II-Refraction studies based on timed blasts: Dom. Obs. Pub.,Ottawa, v. 16, No. 6, 165-181.
  • HODGSON, J.H., 1989. The Heavens Above and the Earth Beneath, a History of the Dominion Observatories: Part 1, To 1946; Geological Survey of Canada, Open File 1945, 193 pages
  • HOFFMAN, F. L., 1926-1927. Earthquake hazards and insurance.I-XVIII.- The Spectator, New York and Chicago, various issuesfrom Jan. 14, 1926 to Dec. 1, 1927.
  • LAMONTAGNE, M., and BRUNEAU, M. 1993. "Impact of the eastern Canadian earthquakes of 1925, 1929, 1935 and 1944". Earthquake Engineering Research Institure slide set, Oakland, California.
  • MASSEY, G. M., 1925. Record of earthquake tremors observed at Quebec, P.Q.: The Education Record, v. 45, Nos. 4-6, 105. Mr. Massey, who resided in Quebec City, began his record in 1914. The above is his first report. His subsequent reports, through1927, were included in the appropriate issues of Seismol. Serv. Can. Bull.
  • MATHER, K. F., and GODFREY, H., assisted by HAMPSON, Katherine,1927. The record of earthquakes felt by man in New England: Copy of the manuscript of a paper presented to the Eastern Section of the Seismological Society of America in May, 1927.
  • McLEOD, C. H., and CALLENDAR, H. L., 1897. Note on the earthquake of May 27th 1897. Can. Record Sci., v. 7, 309-310.
  • NEUMAN, F., 1926-1931. Seismological reports: U.S. Coast Geod. Surv, Seismol. Rep., serial Nos. 328, 337, 363, 388, 395, 406,424, 431, 463, 468, 495, 503. Issued quarterly for 1925 through 1927. Number 388 contains a supplement for 1924. References may be located chronologically.
  • SEISMOLOGICAL SERVICE OF CANADA. Scrapbooks: v. 1, 1-276. These books contain many newspaper clippings from Canada and some from U.S.A. The portion cited above was prepared by, or under the supervision of, Seismologist Dr. O. J. Klotz 1905-1917and Seismologist Dr. E. A. Hodgson 1918 through 1927. References may be located chronologically and the source of many can be identified.
  • SEISMOLOGICAL SERVICE OF CANADA. Seismol. Bull. Dominion Observatory, Ottawa. The Bulletin was prepared by or under the supervision of, Seismologist Dr. O. J. Klotz 1908-1917 and Seismologist Dr. E. A. Hodgson 1918 through 1927. It has been issued to other organizations on an exchange basis since 1922. References may be located chronologically.
  • SMITH, W.E.T., 1962. Earthquakes of eastern Canada and Adjacent areas 1534-1927; Publications of the Dominion Observatory vol. 26, no. 5.
  • STEVENS, A.E., 1980. Reexamination of some larger La Malbaie, Québec earthquakes (1924-1978), Bull. Seism. Soc. Am., 70, 529-557.
  • STREET, R. and F. T. TURCOTTE (1977). A study of northeastern North American spectral moments, magnitudes and intensities, Bull. Seism. Soc. Am., 67, 599-614.

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