Recent publications on seismic hazard

The 6th Generation seismic hazard model of Canada

Michal Kolaj, John Adams, and Stephen Halchuk
Paper 1c-0028, 17th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering, Sendai, Japan 2020
pdf document, 1.9Mb

Seismic hazard in southeastern Canada: uncertainty and controls on seismic hazard in a region of low-to-moderate seismicity

Michal Kolaj, John Adams, and Stephen Halchuk
Paper 1c-0029, 17th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering, Sendai, Japan 2020
pdf document, 4.1Mb

12th Canadian Conference on Earthquake Engineering

(Quebec, Canada, June 17-20, 2019) 7 papers presented.

Canada's 6th Generation Seismic Hazard Model, as Prepared for the 2020 National Building Code of Canada

John Adams, Trevor Allen, Stephen Halchuk, and Michal Kolaj
Paper 192-Mkvp-139, 12th Canadian Conference on Earthquake Engineering, Quebec City, 2019
pdf document, 2.1Mb

A 65-year history of seismic hazard estimates in Canada

John Adams
Paper 192-cSSQ-149, 12th Canadian Conference on Earthquake Engineering, Quebec City, 2019
pdf document, 0.8Mb

Uncertainty spread in the 5th Generation seismic hazard results used in NBCC2015

John Adams and Stephen Halchuk
Paper 192-H39s-279, 12th Canadian Conference on Earthquake Engineering, Quebec City, 2019
pdf document, 0.8Mb

Synthetic ground motions at Quebec City from Charlevoix earthquakes using empirical Green's functions

Stephen Crane, Claire Perry, Dariush Motazedian, and John Adams
Paper 192-GGsX-149, 12th Canadian Conference on Earthquake Engineering, Quebec City, 2019
pdf document, 1.6Mb

Deaggregation of NBCC 2015 Seismic Hazard for Selected Canadian Cities

Stephen Halchuk, John Adams, Michal Kolaj, and Trevor Allen
Paper 192-DMsa-149, 12th Canadian Conference on Earthquake Engineering, Quebec City, 2019
pdf document, 2.2Mb

Contribution of the Leech River Valley-Devil's Mountain fault system to seismic hazard for Victoria B.C.

Stephen Halchuk, Trevor Allen, John Adams, and Tuna Onur
Paper 192-WGm8-169, 12th Canadian Conference on Earthquake Engineering, Quebec City, 2019
pdf document, 1.1Mb

Ground-motion models for the 6th Generation Seismic Hazard Model of Canada

Michal Kolaj, Trevor Allen, Roy Mayfield, John Adams, and Stephen Halchuk
Paper 192-hHtH-159, 12th Canadian Conference on Earthquake Engineering, Quebec City, 2019
pdf document, 5.3Mb

11th Canadian Conference on Earthquake Engineering

(Victoria, Canada, July 21-24, 2015) 4 papers presented.

Canada's 5th Generation Seismic Hazard Model, as Prepared for the 2015 National Building Code of Canada

John Adams, Stephen Halchuk, Trevor Allen, and Garry Rogers
Paper 93775, 11th Canadian Conference on Earthquake Engineering, Victoria, 2015
pdf document, 1.7Mb

5th Generation Seismic Hazard Model for North-Western Canada

Trevor Allen, John Adams, Stephen Halchuk, and Garry Rogers
Paper 93782, 11th Canadian Conference on Earthquake Engineering, Victoria, 2015
pdf document, 5.0Mb

Crossing the Border Again: Assessing the Differences Between Canada's 2015 and the United States' 2014 Seismic Hazard Maps

Stephen Halchuk, John Adams, Mark Petersen, Garry Rogers, and Trevor Allen
Paper 93826, 11th Canadian Conference on Earthquake Engineering, Victoria, 2015
pdf document, 1.3Mb

5th Generation (2015) Seismic Hazard Model for Southwest British Columbia

Garry Rogers, Stephen Halchuk, John Adams, and Trevor Allen
Paper 94198, 11th Canadian Conference on Earthquake Engineering, Victoria, 2015
pdf document, 2.0Mb

Canadian Society for Civil Engineering 2011 General Conference

(Ottawa, Canada, June 14-17, 2011) 4 papers presented.

Seismic Hazard Maps for the National Building Code of Canada

John Adams
Jag Humar Symposium Paper 1, Canadian Society for Civil Engineering 2011 General Conference
pdf document, 10 pages, 0.8Mb

Engineering Characteristics of Ground Motion Records of the Val-des-Bois, Quebec, Earthquake of June 23, 2010

Lan Lin and John Adams
Paper 092, Canadian Society for Civil Engineering 2011 General Conference
pdf document, 10 pages, 0.2Mb

Dynamic Characteristics of Three Major Towers on Parliament Hill, Ottawa, from Recorded Vibrations during the Val-des-Bois, Quebec, Earthquake of June 23, 2010

Lan Lin, John Adams, Jocelyn Paquette, Rock Glazer, and Don Duchesne
Paper 173, Canadian Society for Civil Engineering 2011 General Conference
pdf document, 10 pages, 0.8Mb

Assessment of the Vulnerability of Buildings to Progressive Collapse due to Blast Loads

Lan Lin, Nove Naumoski, Murat Saatcioglu, and Simon Foo
Paper 141, Canadian Society for Civil Engineering 2011 General Conference
pdf document, 10 pages, 0.2Mb

Evolution of seismic design provisions in the National building code of Canada

Denis Mitchell, Patrick Paultre, Rene Tinawi, Murat Saatcioglu, Robert Tremblay, Kenneth Elwood, John Adams, and Ronald DeVall
Canadian Journal of Civil Engineering V 37, pages 1157–1170, 2010 pdf document, 14 pages, 1.4Mb

10th Canadian and 9th US National Conference on Earthquake Engineering

(Toronto, Canada, July 25-29, 2010) 11 papers presented.

Estimated Seismic Design Values for Canadian Missions Abroad

John Adams, Stephen Halchuk, Ahmed Awatta
Paper 925, 10th Canadian and 9th US National Conference on Earthquake Engineering pdf document, 10 pages, 0.4Mb

The Importance of Ground-Truthing for Earthquake Site Response

John Cassidy, Marco Mucciarelli
Paper 758, 10th Canadian and 9th US National Conference on Earthquake Engineering
pdf document, 10 pages, 0.4Mb

Mmin - Implications of Its Choice for Canadian Seismic Hazard and Seismic Risk Applications

Stephen Halchuk, John Adams
Paper 439, 10th Canadian and 9th US National Conference on Earthquake Engineering
pdf document, 10 pages, 5.4Mb

Proposals for the Seismic Design Provisions of 2010 National Building Code of Canada

Jagmohan Humar, John Adams, Robert Tremblay, Colin Rogers, Stephen Halchuk
Paper 1387, 10th Canadian and 9th US National Conference on Earthquake Engineering
pdf document, 10 pages, 0.4Mb

Towards a National Tsunami Hazard Map for Canada: Tsunami Sources

Lucinda Leonard, Roy Hyndman, Garry Rogers
Paper 1844, 10th Canadian and 9th US National Conference on Earthquake Engineering
pdf document, 10 pages, 0.3Mb

Seismic Hazard in Western Canada from Global Positioning System Strain Rate Data

Lucinda Leonard, Stephane Mazzotti, John Cassidy, Garry Rogers, Stephen Halchuk
Paper 753, 10th Canadian and 9th US National Conference on Earthquake Engineering
pdf document, 10 pages, 15.9Mb

Compilation of Digital Strong Motion Data for Eastern Canada

Lan Lin, John Adams
Paper 919, 10th Canadian and 9th US National Conference on Earthquake Engineering
pdf document, 10 pages, 2.5Mb

Effects of Strong-Motion Duration on the Response of Reinforced Concrete Frame Buildings

Lan Lin, Nove Naumoski, Murat Saatcioglu, Simon Foo
Paper 810, 10th Canadian and 9th US National Conference on Earthquake Engineering
pdf document, 10 pages, 0.4Mb

3D Ground Motion in the Georgia Basin Region of Sw British Columbia for Pacific Northwest Scenario Earthquakes

Sheri Molnar, John Cassidy, Stan Dosso, Kim Olsen
Paper 754, 10th Canadian and 9th US National Conference on Earthquake Engineering
pdf document, 10 pages, 3.1Mb

Bayesian Inversion of Microtremor Array Dispersion Data for Vs Structure on the Fraser River Delta, British Columbia

Sheri Molnar, Stan Dosso, John Cassidy
Paper 762, 10th Canadian and 9th US National Conference on Earthquake Engineering
pdf document, 8 pages, 1.4Mb

Engineering Applications of Real-Time Ground Motion Monitoring

Andreas Rosenberger, Garry Rogers, John Cassidy
Paper 767, 10th Canadian and 9th US National Conference on Earthquake Engineering
pdf document, 7 pages, 0.5Mb

Tectonics, dynamics, and seismic hazard in the Canada-Alaska Cordillera

Mazzotti, S; Leonard, L J; Hyndman, R D; Cassidy, J F
Active tectonics and seismic potential of Alaska; . American Geophysical Union Geophysical Monograph no. 179, 2008; pages 297-319(ESS Cont.# 20070423)
pdf document, 24 pages, 15Mb

Stress in western Canada from regional moment tensor analysis

Ristau, J; Rogers, G C; Cassidy, J F.
Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences vol. 44, 2007; pages 127-148(ESS Cont.# 20060666)
pdf document, 22 pages, 3.5Mb

Moment magnitude - local magnitude calibration for earthquakes in western Canada

Ristau, J; Rogers, G C; Cassidy, J F.
Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America vol. 95, no. 5, 2005; pages 1994-2000(ESS Cont.# 2005528)
pdf document, 7 pages, 0.2Mb

Seismicity in the vicinity of the SNORCLE corridors of the northern Canadian Cordillera

Cassidy, J F; Rogers, G C; Ristau, J
Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences vol. 42, no. 6, 2005; pages 1137-1148(GSC Cont.# 2003147)
pdf document, 12 pages, 2.2Mb

Earthquakes and seismic hazard in the Yukon-Beaufort Mackenzie

Hyndman, R D; Cassidy, J F; Adams, J; Rogers, G C; Mazzotti, S
Canadian Society of Exploration Geophysicists, Recorder vol. 30, May, 2005;(ESS Cont.# 2005057)
pdf document, 9 pages, 0.4Mb

Yakutat collision and strain transfer across the northern Canadian Cordillera

Mazzotti, S; Hyndman, R D.
Geology v. 30, no. 6, 2002; pages 495-498(GSC Cont.# 2001189)
pdf document, 4 pages, 0.3Mb

Seismic Hazard Estimation in Canada and its Contribution to the Canadian Earthquake Loading Code - Implications for Code Development in Countries such as Australia

John Adams
2009 Australian Earthquake Engineering Society Conference, Newcastle, Australia
pdf document, 20 pages, 1.9Mb

Seismic Hazard Earthquake Epicentre File (SHEEF) used in the fourth generation seismic hazard maps of Canada

Halchuk, S.
Geological Survey of Canada, Open File 6208, 2009; 16 pages
available for free download from the GeoPub web site

A moment magnitude catalog for the 150 largest eastern Canadian earthquakes

Bent, A.L.
Geological Survey of Canada, Open File 6080, 2009; 23 pages
available for free download from the GeoPub web site

Fourth generation seismic hazard maps of Canada: Maps and grid values to be used with the 2005 National Building Code of Canada

Halchuk, S., Adams, John
Geological Survey of Canada, Open File 5813, 2008; 32 pages
available for free download from the GeoPub web site

Estimated seismic design values for Canadian missions abroad

Adams, John, Halchuk, S, Awatta, A.
Geological Survey of Canada, Open File 5814, 2008; 47 pages
available for free download from the GeoPub web site

14th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering

(Beijing, China, October 13-17, 2008) 6 papers presented.

Strong Motion Seismograph Networks, Data, and Research in Canada

J.F. Cassidy, A. Rosenberger, G.C. Rogers
Paper S02-0105, 14th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering
pdf document, 8 pages, 0.3Mb

Seismicity Studies for Long-Term Seismic Hazard Assessment in the Northern Ontario Part of the Canadian Shield

S. Hayek, J. Drysdale, John Adams, T. Lam, S. Halchuk, V. Peci
Paper S03-016, 14th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering
pdf document, 8 pages, 4.7Mb

Seismic Vulnerability and Prioritization Ranking of Dams in Canada

L. Lin, John Adams
Paper S13-029, 14th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering
pdf document, 8 pages, 0.25Mb

Probabilities of Significant Earthquake Shaking in Communities Across Canada

T. Onur, M. Seemann, S. Halchuk, John Adams
Paper 07-0101, 14th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering
pdf document, 8 pages, 0.3Mb

Seismic Hazard Resulting from Aftershock Activity Following a Cascadia Subduction Earthquake

M. Seemann, T. Onur, J.F. Cassidy
Paper S03-01-0026, 14th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering
pdf document, 8 pages, 0.2Mb

Canada's Automated Earthquake Notification Service

R.J. Wetmiller, John Adams, C. Woodgold, S. Halchuk
Paper 06-0054, 14th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering
pdf document, 8 pages, 1.9Mb

A Review of NBCC 2005 Seismic Hazard Results for Canada - the Interface to the ground and prognosis for Urban Risk Mitigation

John Adams and Stephen Halchuk
Canadian Geotechnical Conference, Ottawa, October 21-24, 2007
pdf document, 10 pages, 0.7Mb

Canadian Dam Association Annual Conference

(St John's, Newfoundland, September 22-27, 2007) 2 papers presented.

Probabilistic Method for Seismic Vulnerability Ranking of Canadian Hydropower Dams

Lan Lin and John Adams
pdf document, 11 pages, 0.2Mb

Canada’s Automated Earthquake Notification Service

Robert Wetmiller, John Adams and Catherine Woodgold
pdf document, 13 pages, 0.5Mb

9th Canadian Conference on Earthquake Engineering

(Ottawa, Canada, June 26-29, 2007) 7 papers presented.

Soil Amplification in Ottawa from Urban Strong Ground Motion Records

John Adams
Paper 1162, 9th Canadian Conference on Earthquake Engineering
pdf document, 11 pages, 2.0Mb

Strong Motion Seismograph Networks in Canada

J.F. Cassidy, A. Rosenberger, G.C. Rogers, T.E. Little, J. Toth, J. Adams, P. Munro, S. Huffmann, J.-R. Pierre, H. Asmis and G. Pernica
Paper 1310, 9th Canadian Conference on Earthquake Engineering
pdf document, 10 pages, 0.5Mb

Revised Deaggregation of Seismic Hazard for Selected Canadian Cities

Stephen Halchuk, John Adams and Frank Anglin
Paper 1188, 9th Canadian Conference on Earthquake Engineering
pdf document, 13 pages, 1.5Mb

Lessons for the Fragility of Canadian Hydropower Components under Seismic Loading

Lan Lin and John Adams
Paper 1186, 9th Canadian Conference on Earthquake Engineering
pdf document, 10 pages, 0.3Mb

Comparison of Geophysical Shear-Wave Velocity Methods

S. Molnar, J. F. Cassidy, P. A. Monahan, and S. E. Dosso
Paper 1173, 9th Canadian Conference on Earthquake Engineering
pdf document, 11 pages, 2.9Mb

Earthquake Site Response Studies Using Microtremor Measurements in Southwestern British Columbia

S. Molnar, J. F. Cassidy, P.A. Monahan, T. Onur, C. Ventura, and A. Rosenberger
Paper 1182, 9th Canadian Conference on Earthquake Engineering
pdf document 9 pages, 1.3Mb and
pdf document, 10 pages, 6.8Mb

Revised Deaggregation of Seismic Hazard for Selected Canadian Cities

Stephen Halchuk, John Adams and Frank Anglin
9ieme Conférence Canadienne sur la Génie Parasismique, 26-29 juin, 2007
document pdf, 13 pages, 6.0Mo

Seismic hazards assessment for radioactive waste disposal sites in regions of low seismic activity

Clark H. Fenton, John Adams and Stephen Halchuk
Geotechnical and Geological Engineering, v. 24, no. 3, p 579-592, June 2006
pdf document, 14 pages, 970Kb

Variability of Near-Term Probability for the Next Great Earthquake on the Cascadia Subduction Zone

Stéphane Mazzotti and John Adams
Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America, v. 95, no. 5, p 1954-1959, October 2004
pdf document, 6 pages, 270Kb

A review of NBCC 2005 Seismic Hazard Results for Canada - the interface to the ground and prognosis for urban risk mitigation

John Adams and Stephen Halchuk
57th Canadian Geotechnical Conference (Québec city, Canada, October 25-27, 2004)
pdf document, 9 pages, 840Kb

Implications of Canada's 4th Generation Seismic Hazard Model for Canadian Dams

John Adams and Stephen Halchuk
Canadian Dam Association 2004 Annual Conference (Ottawa, Canada, September 25-30, 2004)
pdf document, 10 pages, 750Kb

13th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering

(Vancouver, Canada, August 1-6, 2004) 11 papers presented/contributed by the Natural Hazards and emergency response program.

Geological Survey of Canada Open File 4459 - Fourth generation seismic hazard maps of Canada: Values for over 650 Canadian localities intended for the 2005 National Building Code of Canada;

J. Adams, S. Halchuk, 155 p.
View the Open File abstract and download the pdf format document (155 pages, 14Mb)

Development of seismic hazard maps for the proposed 2005 edition of the National Building Code of Canada

John Adams and Gail Atkinson in
Canadian Journal of Civil Engineering Special Issue Volume 30, Number 2, April 2003, Special Issue: Proposed Earthquake Design Requirements of the National Building Code of Canada, 2005 edition - National Research Council Canada Research Press

Geological Survey of Canada Open File 1789 Report on field visit damage from the magnitude 4.9, Sant'Agata Fossili, Italy, earthquake of 2003 April 11

John Adams, 37 pages
low resolution pdf document 37 pages, 1.9 Mb
high resolution pdf document 37 pages, 23.7 Mb

The Case for an Advanced National Earthquake Monitoring System for Canada’s Cities at Risk

John Adams, Garry Rogers, Stephen Halchuk, David McCormack, John Cassidy.
7th US Conference on Earthquake Engineering (Boston, USA, July 21-25, 2002
pdf document, 10 pages, 8.5Mb

Knowledge of in-slab earthquakes needed to improve seismic hazard estimates for southwestern British Columbia;

J. Adams, S. Halchuk, 5 p.
in The Cascadia Subduction Zone and Related Subduction Systems-Seismic Structure, Intraslab Earthquakes and Processes, and Earthquake Hazards (Kirby, S., Wang, K., and Dunlop, S., eds.): U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 02-328, on 1 CD-ROM, and Geological Survey of Canada Open File 4350: 149 – 154
pdf document 5 pages, 1.6 Mb
U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 02-328 182 pages, 25.3 Mb

Lowering the Probability Level - Fourth Generation Seismic Hazard Results for Canada at the 2% in 50 year probability level

Adams, John, Weichert, Dieter, and Halchuk, Stephen. Proceedings of the Eighth Canadian Conference on Earthquake Engineering, Vancouver 1999
pdf document 6 pages, 144 Kb

Crossing the Border: Assessing the differences between new Canadian and American seismic hazard maps

Halchuk, Stephen and Adams, John. Proceedings of the Eighth Canadian Conference on Earthquake Engineering, Vancouver 1999
pdf document 6 pages, 198 Kb

12th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering,
Auckland, New Zealand, January 30 - February 4, 2000

Lower Probability Hazard, Better Performance? Understanding the Shape of the Hazard Curves from Canada's Fourth Generation Seismic Hazard Results

Adams, John, Halchuk, Stephen, and Weichert, Dieter
Download pdf document 8 pages, 411 Kb

Geological Survey of Canada Open File 3764 Benefits from Expenditures on Earthquake Research at Natural Resources Canada;

Dr. Neil Swan

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